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SEPCOIII second mid-level cadre training course in 2024 was successfully completed

2024-8-29 21:59:44

On the afternoon of August 29, the closing ceremony of the company’s Second mid-level cadre training course in 2024 was held in Qingdao Open University. Zhao Qiming, Party secretary, Chairman and General Manager of SEPCOIII attended and made an important speech, and Li Junwei, Deputy Party Secretary and chairman of the trade union of the company attended the ceremony.

At the closing ceremony, each group reported the results of the project management themed seminar and held a concentrated discussion on the implementation of the spirit of the company’s mid-year work conference, execution of strategic planning, and the "Year of Operation and Control". Subsequently, this training class selected one outstanding team and four outstanding students.

Zhao Qiming delivered an important speech entitled "Strengthening awareness of action and enhancing abilities to create promising results." Zhao Qiming pointed out that middle-level cadres are the backbone and key minority supporting the company’s business development. The professional quality and leadership ability of the cadres directly affect the company’s management effectiveness and development results. The cadre training class will achieve full coverage of training for the middle-level cadre team, truly strengthen cadre team building, systematically improve the comprehensive quality and job performance of cadres, and create a high-level, compound cadre team that is proactive, innovative, and responsible, providing strong support and important guarantees for the company’s high-quality development.

Zhao Qiming emphasized that all trainees should unswervingly maintain a high degree of consistency with the company’s party committee in terms of ideology and actions, strengthen their awareness of action, enhance their ability to act, create promising results, and continuously promote all work to a new level and open up a new situation:

1. Improve political stance and firmly support the decision-making and deployment of the company’s Party Committee.

First, we should focus on scientific judgment of the current situation. Over the past year of the company’s reform and development, all cadres have taken the initiative to fulfill their duties. The company’s economic operation has been stable and improving, the transformation and development momentum is strong, the quality and efficiency of business management have been improved, the overall safety production situation is stable, and the talent base has been effectively consolidated. At the same time, we must be clearly aware that the company is currently facing severe situations and huge challenges in terms of indicator data, benefit structure, and business management and control. We must face them courageously and not avoid difficulties. On the basis of systematic, comprehensive and overall thinking about the connotation of the company’s high-quality development, we must clarify our ideas, implement precise policies, and solve them effectively.

The second is to unify thoughts and actions to forge good work style. Since last year, the cadre team has formed a fine style of taking the initiative, being good at innovation and daring to take responsibility in practice. The awareness of constantly emancipating the mind and seeking development has become stronger and stronger. The mental state, ability level and quality quality have been greatly improved. However, there are still individual cadres who have shortcomings and problems in their thinking, ability and style. We must always remain vigilant, carefully check and examine, muster the courage to turn the knife inward, maintain the tenacity to work hard for a long time, and effectively turn the "problem list" into a "results list."

The third is to devote all efforts to the company’s various tasks and goals in the second half of the year. Next year is the 40th anniversary of the company’s establishment. The responsibility and significance of doing a good job in the second half of this year are heavy. All cadres must truly transform the decision-making and deployment of the company’s Party Committee into the common will, common goals, and common actions of all cadres and employees, increase efforts to promote market development, persevere in promoting loss-making and loss-making, go all out to reduce the scale of the "two funds", comprehensively carry out compliance management and risk prevention and control, and compare with the established annual goals. Carefully take inventory, check for omissions and fill in the gaps, re-energize and add more measures, fight with all our strength, and sprint with all our strength to ensure the successful completion of all annual goals and tasks.

2.Strengthen mission responsibility and comprehensively improve the ability of cadres to perform their duties.

First, be a practitioner of loyalty to the Party. We must stand firm in our political stance, constantly improve our political judgment, political understanding, and political execution, and implement the Party’s lines, principles, and policies without fail; we must develop political insight, constantly improve our political acumen and political discernment, enhance our awareness of risks and crises, and resolutely nip in the bud any potential problems that may lead to political problems; we must put what we have learned into practice, and transform General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important expositions on governing the country, especially the work requirements for state-owned enterprises and central enterprises, into fundamental guidelines and action guidelines for promoting the company’s high-quality development.

The second is to be a promoter of career development. We must lead the team, know how to use people, be sincere and united, be brave to take responsibility, and strive to be a "vanguard" who dares to take responsibility and is good at taking action; we must create benefits and improve efficiency, focus on quality and benefits, and actively explore new ideas, new measures and new methods that meet the requirements of the new situation and the company’s development pursuits; we must attach importance to innovation and seek breakthroughs, stimulate the innovative spirit of the majority of employees, take the market as the leader, technology as the support, and create differentiated competitive advantages in the fierce market competition.

The third is to be a role model of being good and capable. We must strengthen our awareness of wanting to do things, strictly observe discipline and rules, strengthen our sense of responsibility, and be of one mind, one direction, one frequency, and one effort at the same time in line with the decisions and arrangements of the company’s Party Committee; we must improve our ability to do things, be good at combining learned knowledge with actual work, elevate the internal understanding of problem solving into practical experience, and analyze and think about problems with a developmental perspective and dialectical thinking; we must be determined to get things done, enhance the foresight and initiative of our work, and truly turn experience into experience and experience into ability.

Fourth, be a diligent and pragmatic doer. We must do our job well, always maintain a sense of mission, responsibility and urgency, and do our best to plan, work and accomplish things; we must overcome difficulties, effectively respond to major challenges, resist major risks, overcome major resistance, and resolve major contradictions; we must dare to take responsibility, play the key role of the "critical few", and take the lead and stand the test in promoting the high-quality development of the company’s various businesses.

The training was rich in content, highlighted key points, had a clear theme, and a compact curriculum. The overall training process was intense and efficient, the training effect was obvious, and the expected purpose was achieved.